
Showing posts from February, 2012

Being sick wastes my weekend

I don't like being sick. I get sick all the time. Some one gets the slightest cold around me and then I am sick for weeks. I don't understand it. I keep a clean house. There is no mildew, or gross whatever lurking around in my house. I wipe down counters, clean bathrooms.  Sometimes I'm to much of clean freak. I think it's because I don't like being sick.  There were a few people at work that had been sick and now their sickness is on me. Last week, it was a cough that hurt so much that, I may or may not wet my pants. But in all seriousness. I thought that taking out my tonsils would solve my life problem with getting sick. I got a flu shot this year too.  The other thing about being sick that I hate is that I'm home sick and all I can think about is how dirty my house is and that I need to clean it. Laundry needs to be folded, floors swept and mopped. bathrooms too.  AAHHHH!!!! (cough, cough) Also I am not a huge fan of cough syrup

The tooth fairy

It's funny how the new tooth is twice the size of the space. Braces here we come.  Isn't funny, us mothers, we get excited when our babies get their first tooth. Then it's our children that get excited when they lose their first tooth.  We get sad because we know that braces are right around the corner.  This experience happened for Phoenix last night. We were eating waffles for dinner. He had just shoved a huge piece in his mouth. We heard a crunching sound. (I thought, I bet that is his tooth, he just ate it. ) Mike said "Phoenix what is that sound? " Phoenix shrugged his shoulders. Mike asked Phoenix to open his mouth, he smiled. There was a hole but no tooth. We told him that he probably ate it. He started crying(real tears) about how he has waited for weeks for the tooth to come out. He got scared that the tooth fairy was not going to come to him.  The letter says, I eat my tooth. I am sorry I ate my tooth last night. I brush all day.

What we did on President's Day!

My husband work at a local ski resort, Snowbird. We haven't taken full advantage of our benefit we get because he works there.  I took the day off because the kids had the day off too. I wanted to go skiing. With recent snow here in Utah. I was hoping for a good day. I'm a fair weather skier. I like the fresh snow but I want the sun and no wind. That is a rare combination. But we got that today. The kids didn't really want to go but the threat of having to clean the house didn't sound as much fun as skiing.  A perfect day on the slopes and the children did great. Phoenix is feeling more comfortable getting off the lift with me ( I snowboard not ski like the kids). Jersey is a speed demon on the slopes and loves to try to jump. After lunch the kids were done with skiing. Me? I wanted to keep going, I had to given in to the whines. I had a great workout though. I am hoping to have a chance to ski again just Mike and I before the season is over.

Olympic Memories

10 years ago.... I was in my second semester at the University of Utah, something was going on where classes were cancelled for a few weeks. The Olympics were in town. We had an amazing time. Mike and I got to see the events and concerts. We went to the women's final bobsled race. Where we saw the USA, win! Brilliant! We also went downtown several times to see the booths, and concerts. We saw Smashmouth. Not a great band but it was the experience of seeing the Olympians get their medals before hand that was awesome.   I have always loved the Olympics and now getting to share those memories with my children has been a treat. We went to the University of Utah stadium to seeing the relighting of the Olympic cauldron. It didn't light up at first but when it did tears rushed to my eyes.   I remembered those good times of the 2002 Olympics!