The tooth fairy

It's funny how the new tooth is twice the size of the space. Braces here we come. 

Isn't funny, us mothers, we get excited when our babies get their first tooth.
Then it's our children that get excited when they lose their first tooth. 
We get sad because we know that braces are right around the corner. 
This experience happened for Phoenix last night. We were eating waffles for dinner. He had just shoved a huge piece in his mouth. We heard a crunching sound. (I thought, I bet that is his tooth, he just ate it. ) Mike said "Phoenix what is that sound? " Phoenix shrugged his shoulders. Mike asked Phoenix to open his mouth, he smiled. There was a hole but no tooth. We told him that he probably ate it. He started crying(real tears) about how he has waited for weeks for the tooth to come out. He got scared that the tooth fairy was not going to come to him. 
The letter says, I eat my tooth. I am sorry I ate my tooth last night. I brush all day. -Phoenix.
We said he should write a letter saying what happened.
A good story to tell.
 It has a happy ending. 
Since you can't just summon the tooth fairy without teeth, Phoenix is in luck, Jersey had two teeth pulled today at the dentist. Under her pillow tonight will be a box with two teeth and a note.
 Let's see how much money she leaves?


Michael said…
Oh, too bad Phoenix ate his tooth. I'm sure the tooth fairy will understand. While munching on some hotdogs, my son accidentally ate his tooth. But his letter worked, and the tooth fairy traded her dollar for his tooth.

-Michael Griffin

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