an all time favorite
Who doesn't love shoes? I have been accused of having more shoes than days of the week. I have my favorites, my go to pairs . Then I have some that I bought either because they were on clearance that couldn't be passed up or they looked so cute in the store when I tried them on. But when I got them home they weren't that cute. I might be a hoarder of shoes and flip flops. At one point in my life I did own 100 pairs for flip flops and they weren't all the Old Navy throw away pairs either. I just love shoes that I don't even know what to do with the old ones when they were barely used? I thought about giving them away to my sister but she has smaller feet than me. I have been a consumer of running shoes lately. Since I am running and doing triathlons. My first pair of REAL running shoes some from the clearance section of the local sports store. They even matched my husband. They were Nike ZOOMS, white with red stripes. After awhile they started to hurt my feet. ...