an all time favorite

Who doesn't love shoes? I have been accused of having more shoes than days of the week. I have my favorites, my go to pairs.  Then I have some that I bought either because they were on clearance that couldn't be passed up or they looked so cute in the store when I tried them on. But when I got them home they weren't that cute. I might be a hoarder of shoes and flip flops. At one point in my life I did own 100 pairs for flip flops and they weren't all the Old Navy throw away pairs either. I just love shoes that I don't even know what to do with the old ones when they were barely used? I thought about giving them away to my sister but she has smaller feet than me. 
I have been a consumer of running shoes lately. Since I am running and doing triathlons. My first pair of REAL running shoes some from the clearance section of the local sports store. They even matched my husband. They were Nike ZOOMS, white with red stripes. After awhile they started to hurt my feet. Then I saw some amazing hot pink and grey shoes. Nike Lunar Glides! I loved these shoes but sadly they have been replaced. 
By my new love! The Nike Pegasus! I like to say pegacorn, an inside joke with my kids or people that watch PBS's Word Girl. My feet and body were aching from my shoes. I decided it was worth the trip to Wasatch Running Company for them to check out my feet. I had heard about the testing that they do and for them to fit me with the proper shoe. The sales boy said that I was over correcting a problem I didn't have. I thought I pronated. He told me that is why I was getting blisters and awful knee and leg pain. I put on my shoes and was instantly in love. I am some what of a brand freak. If I like a brand I continue to buy it. I don't like changing it up. I have a a huge loyalty to NIKE!!! I did try on different shoes but I didn't want anything else but the pretty black Nike's with hot pink and neon green. I had a dress in 5th grade with the same color scheme. 
I couldn't wait to run in them. The next day I ran 10.1 miles in my new shoes. I was hurting but not like I had before. The shoes felt amazing even right out of the box. I can only imagine they will get even better after a few more runs. I have a half marathon on the 31st! 
I can't wait to see how my shoes and I hold up. 


Anonymous said…
Isn't it great when you find that perfect fitted shoe! I've been a Mizuno (Wave Rider) wearer since 2006. WOW Triathlons?!?!? Are you doing Sprint Tri's or like the real deal big ones!?!?

Good luck on your half! I just did one last weekend and posted my recap! =)


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