Happy Thanksgiving!

I just love Thanksgiving. The break that you get to have to spend with your family. 
Every year we have a fun time with my husband's family. We go to Snowbird a local ski resort in Utah. I love coming to Snowbird. We stay at a condo and have lots of family time. We swim, ski, eat all the food we can. This year has been a little bit less with the swimming, skiing and eating. The first few days my son Phoenix got some sort of bug. He was puking all over in the middle the night. Next was my nephew, then my daughter Jersey. This bug has worked it's way all through the family. All 16 of us have been have problems. 
Now on the day of Thanksgiving we are all worried about our stomachs. There is a bright side....when we leave Snowbird every year I feel like I have gained 15 pounds. This year I think I have lost 15 pounds. 
I hope you all are having a good Thanksgiving.

* because we can't have Black Friday without Thanksgiving. 
For the next 25 days for there will be Free Shipping on my Etsy shop.*

Happy Shopping


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