Entrepreneur do I want to be one?

These course this semester tell me I don't really want to be one. I like creating things and selling them to friends and family for the cost that I made them. That is the part I really like. As for all the other parts, Marketing, analytics, budgets etc. Nope! I don't like it one bit.

I like the things I do at work even though this week at work as been so busy that the stress has been overwhelming. At one point I thought I might lose my job because of something I did. I am good worker but I accidentally sent an email to a third part with someone's private information outside the company. I didn't want to be responsible for that person to have fraud on their account and I told someone as soon as I could.

My mind raced around the fact that if I lost my job, bright side, I'm learning the skills to be an entrepreneur and I could start my own business and put my heart and soul into that. My husband found that idea comical. Well, I didn't need to worry to hard because my job still likes me even though I made a mistake. All of the upper management were actually impressed that I came forward to say that I made a mistake that could cost me my job.

We talk about being honest at work all the time. I would hope that everyone is honest if something like this happens to them but sadly most people aren't even when I said something to a co-worker. They said they would have deleted the email and moved on. I couldn't do that because I don't think that would have been able to answer the question, "are you honest in your dealings with your fellow man"

I will end up with a warning but it's better to keep my job. I am happy where I am at right now in that!


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