How will I measure my life?

This question has come up multiple times since I started school. I think about it for the assignment and feel good about my decision and then the next semester starts and I get asked again how will I measure my life?

Well I don't know if I have the answer anymore because I have had to second guess myself on multiple occasions. But I do know what I want out of life. And this is it; I want to feel successful in my job. That I made a difference in those that I work with, I want to see my children's hope and dreams accomplished so I want to help them be successful, and I want my relationship with my husband a solid foundation that we will stay together.

For work I train people to take calls, I am sure I have mentioned this before, I love the thrill of getting up and talking to people. To learn about them and take a genuine interest in their life. I think starting a new job is scary. I haven't changed my full time job for 14 years, I am fascinated why people change jobs all the time. Sometimes it's because of down-sizing but most of the time it's because they didn't want to conform or follow the rules. I know the feeling because I was let go of a job that I really loved. I feel like they come to my workplace excited to learn and to grow and after training I see them in the halls and talk with them how they are liking things. I am amazed that some are still there and others were gone with in weeks. It's not a hard job but you do have to have a thick skin to talk to customers about computer problems. Especially when you are limited to what you can and can't do.

Those that stay want to make it work for them. I can see them growing and becoming a successful specialist. I love to encourage them. I feel bad at times because once they leave training the encouragement stops and the nagging from support staff begins when they are on the floor. They get frustrated because of the lack of communication. They have lives but people don't consider that. This is the challenge I want to change with in my workplace to really make a difference.

For my children, I love to watch them grow and learn and becoming their own person. It's hard to watch them be teenagers because they do have their own goals then what I want. It's aligning those goals to make them more successful. But when they accomplish something hard, tears roll down my face and I am so happy that their hard work and practiced paid off.

As for my relationship with my husband. I love that we are continuing to be a better couple and that we are achieving our goals. I had a accident at the begin of this year, where I got hit in the head at work. It didn't seem like it effected me until the last few weeks. It's made school so hard to concentrate and to get my work done on time. I have been very frustrated by my school work load and even dropped a class because my head was in so much pain when I concentrated so hard. It sounds silly and almost not real but it's not. I was telling my husband that maybe coming back to school was a mistake and maybe I should just give up because it's only going to get harder. He wouldn't listen to any of that talk. He just hugged me and told I could finish. It's those moments that help me get through this small moment of craziness.

I want to endure to the end with all my goals and get to heaven with that blessing that I did my best. I don't know if I ever will know in this life if I measured up to the expectations set. But if I am not begging on the street for food and a place to leave I feel like I am achieving the best right now. My grandma use to say slow and steady wins the race. I like to measure my life the same way. Slow and steady.
-Rhi 02|06|19


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