Becoming something better-week 10

When I was a little girl I wanted to be more than just a mom. I wanted to be a fashion designer, a ventriloquist, and an artist. As I got older, the careers seemed to fade to what can I do to help with my family so that we can have a good quality of life. 
We work hard every day. I realize that I am blessed to have the stamina to do all the things that I do. 

I have friends that will ask, "Rhiannon, how do you do it every day with your jobs, school, children, and keeping up with your house?" I never have a satisfying answer for them but I have seen how the Lord has blessed me in my personal and family endeavors.

There isn't much time to relax but I make time to do that. I have given up on having a deeply cleaned house. I let the little things go and I have added responsibilities to my children and husband that I would normally do.

Do they get done all the time? 

No but it's those little things that I don't stress about. 

Is my house ready for someone to show up at a moments notice? 
I am quite embarrassed when my mother in law shows up and starts picking up my house. But you know it's better to appreciate her love then get annoyed at the fact that she is cleaning my house or bossing my children around to do it. Some day when I can relax, I will take the time to clean my house or higher a maid? I can't decide. 

I know who I have become and I want to be better. I want to make a better life for my family. I knew I would be working when I had a family. It's just a fact. I use to resent it but now, I'm grateful that I work to help my family because it makes us all stronger. We care less about the worldly things and pay attention to our family needs. We make the time we have together meaningful and fun. Those are the times that I will remember. Life is to be lived and not to stress about what we aren't doing. 

I love this quote from the readings 
" Our human nature leaves us to be so wrapped up in a self-centered quest for an unattainable "heaven on earth" that we miss the chance that would lead to a more meaningful life." 


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