Measuring the Cost-Week 11

Measuring the cost, of education, life, love and success. I started out on this school journey to "just finish" what I started so many years ago. I have felt that my lack of education has limited me in my career goals. It might have but I have had many on the job experiences to give me quite an education too. I have wanted to get this degree because it makes me nervous to have to start over some day from where I currently work because I lack the education.

I had to measure the cost of my family when I went back to school. I would be busy on nights that I needed to help get kids places, I would also not get to watch T.V. with them. These things still break my heart but I know that if I strive to change with school, we can have a better future. What I have loved in all of this is gaining a new perspective in learning, in studying not just school work but church related topics too. I can see my testimony grow because of the blessing that I am receiving. Those costs are innumerable.


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