All the Feels

Quarantine, what a time to live in. I don't feel like this time has been effecting me like many others. I have seen my children going a little stir crazy, especially when I get home from work. They have said it's because they are seeing another person for the first time. I still have to work at my full-time job during this time. Since they are at home, I think about how they are being safe. I have also thought about the many influences that they are letting their minds see.

They are good kids but this last school year has been a rough one. Both are in the stage where they are liking the opposite sex. Not more than a crush on someone. But I have seen them handle their own set of dramas or novellas is what we like to call them. My daughter has asked me several times why her friends have boyfriends and why she doesn't? I'm actually happy that she doesn't but I know how it feels to not feel loved and parent love isn't the same.

While I deal with one person who doesn't have high self esteem, I have another person that thinks that he is the "Best" He treats his sister badly too. These are the things that I struggle with as a mother, Trying to teach one to love herself and not worry about what others say or do. Then the other acting rude. I have to talk to him on a regular basis to be nice and kind. That if he liked a girl that she he should treat her nice too. But he shouldn't just treat that girl nice but all women nice.

As I have read different articles on raising children, I like what H. Wallace Goddard said in his book, Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage, "When we have vibrant faith, we trust that God brought us together for a good reason. We trust that He will refine and perfect us if we keep trying. We trust that all things work together for good for them that trust Him. We trust that we will one day be happier together than we can imagine." He also quoted D & C 6:36 "Doubt not, Fear not."

These words give me comfort that even though the kids are home all day together that this time will help them become better friends and that they can learn from one another of how to treat their friends. That if I trust the Lord and his teachings that my faith will mend this divide that has been brought to their friendship.


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